UMG-Research Networking Meeting 2024 - Prevention and Health Promotion

In cooperation with the Greifswald network "Medical Humanities"

University of Greifswald, Center for Life Science and Plasma Technology
Apr. 18th
ab 13:00 o‘clock

On April 18, 2024, the Faculty Board of University Medicine Greifswald warmly invites you to the annual Research Networking Meeting, focusing this time on the theme "Prevention and Health Promotion." With regard to the research excellence initiative UnimedMV 2030, the state excellence initiative and the section of Preventive and Personalized Medicine within the action field Medical Technology and Biotechnology of the regional innovation strategy of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the aim of this event is to identify, connect and develop the potentials of University Medicine Greifswald for a new, collective research focus.